Thy Will Be Done

Facebook…”What’s on your mind?” Ugh…a lot. So much going on that it’s overwhelming. What do I say, what do I keep quiet? My cup over flows with Words from me, but not by me. I’m not that smart. This is for anyone as Jesus said “with ears to hear.”
Trudging through my feed and news, there is this huge bombardment of arrows and numbing stuff flung my direction and surely yours too. They are all competing for your eyeballs, heartstrings and emotions twards what is effecting the entire world in real time. Taking it all in at once and noticing my mood swings with every image or just the header of a news article that pops up makes me want to either retreat into ignorance or an enraged state. It’s easy to say, well, just walk away from social media and go about your life. As much as I would love that, I do know that this platform has become a way of life for most. We still want to be involved with our friends and family, but with business and life constantly redirecting our attention or social distancing us, our personal relationships with others are here and they are taking a huge hit. Because of this way of life now, we can be steered, and manipulated easier and easier by each passing day because we lack accountability with those who know us best. Those we could talk freely with about life. Those who could reveal their personal thoughts on Jesus, family and how all that coincides with worldly affairs or just going to church in general with mandates. I’m seeing great people slip into the traps laid out by our ever increasing political correctness, social justice snares, and using the language of this culture’s narrative. My head swims as I try to process all of this and maintain my principals founded on scripture. Then a peace flows through me. It’s a peace that can only be described as supernatural given the current waves of uncertainty that surrounds my humanity. A peace so powerful, that death itself is of no consequence to me or those I love dearly. How can this be so in a world gone totally mad? Have I gone mad…

So, I write to whomever cares to continue.

Like the first movie The National Treasure, the quote “The answer lies with Charlotte”(which ironically means freedom), our answer is openly hidden within Jesus. From our first breath to our last. From our greates joys to our darkest entanglements. He wants us to look to Him only and not go beyond this boundary for these answers. To spare us heartache. To spare us a load we cannot bear. To give us spiritual freedom and abundant life that doesn’t conform to worldly happiness. Often we join in with or start movements and then ask God to bless it because we don’t take the time to see where He is already working. Instead we are extremely impatient with the outcome and we focus our hearts outside of His will and timing to do what we think is better and now. We strive to seek justice for an unrepentant culture we simply cannot change. This ideology is causing much frustration and grief in the life of those being out of alignement with God… some may not even know it. One of the adversaries greatest tools is frustration. Frustration is a actionable Joy killer, and it will take you down the path of anger, resentment and negitive thoughts twards even those we normally wouldn’t have issues with. Social media will split you in so many directions that you are only a reminant of who you truly are if you were to be face to face with those you agree or disagree with. Social media is the perfect outlet to voice your opinion, sit back and let the general masses throw your friends or family under the bus if they don’t take a stand on the hill you are willing to die on… but not in real life. We are so deep into this, that we long for and believe we can unite our brothers and sisters in Christ through guilt shame. For the greater good of the world… even at the expense of dividing our churches because of worldly wants burning in the hearts of many good people. This humanistic approach allows us to think we can go outside of God’s control because we are doing a good thing in the name of humanity and just maybe throw in a verse or Jesus’ name too for good measure. God calls this being self righteous and finds this work detestable and grieving His Spirit. We seem to view scripture as one of many good ways, but not the final authority, regardless, it is the solid rock foundation that can bring much needed, but temporary healing into this land, both personally and on the national scene. But make no mistake, evil will still be ever present and resisting like a body’s will to survive under water. Kicking, flailing and whatever it takes to survive while tearing people away from God because even the demons know their time is short. As the trumpet sounds, we will soon realize, this is why Jesus is now and needs to be THE Warrior King when He comes again; to conquer satan and his demons once and for all. Until then we must be of sound mind and discern with the Holy spirit what it is for us to make with the time He has granted us in the here and now. We must not get caught up in the bag of marbles that satan has spilled out through social media, where each marble is a different “cause”. We are so busy trying to scramble around to pick up all of these causes, many of us will find a really shiny beautiful one that we will just have to make it our idol. We no longer represent a fully functioning body of Christ, and the world mocks and taunts the floundering church. Our churches are being split by politics, political correctness, and social justice agendas…but not on Sunday mornings at church. We are an entirely different spirit outside in the world and on social media. Less loving, less forgiving, less tolerant of those who differ especially on non eternal Kingdom issues. That way of life is exhausting and all for not. Simply in vain. Can your cause use only scripture in context to be worthy? There’s a lot of “ya…but…”, or intellectual posture that tries to squelch God given wisdom. We have forgotten what it means to be the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-27). We should all care about the injustices of the world, but not to the point of trashing the saints for inaction because we don’t see results on the big stage. Please read up on spiritual gifts and you’ll know why we don’t all do the same thing in works. If you localize and champion for just one injustice, then you should be like the pharisees, make overbearing and unachievable goals/rules for yourself or others and champion for every single injustice in the world…past, present,future. “If you really cared of course” becomes the verbal assault. This is NOT what God wants from His people. If you are a pastor or ministry leadership, tend to the flock He gave you to build up and send out with authority. As for the rest of the church, we are to be United in body and spirit for the sake of the lost and hurting (Zephaniah 3:9-10). But we do it in different ways and support each other with the same goal in mind. Not to hurt the church, but to build it up and empower it through God’s love, provision and providence. The Spirit who convicts, not guilts, into the action of prayer, serving and teaching through personal relationship and outreach. All of this for one common goal. All Glory, Honor, and Praise will be given to our one and only Savior. Jesus THE Christ. Read that last sentence again. Does that title and name hold any power to you? It should, it immediately brought tears to my dirty eyes. Overwhelmed by just a name. That’s true power. That is the entire purpose of our purpose. To bring people to the feet of the Son with such great love and conviction that no matter how they die, they will live. In eternity. With Jesus THE Christ! That’s it. Since we have died to self abiding in Him, we are relieved of the huge burden that social justice heaps on your back always requiring more. We’ve finally taken Jesus at His word and relinquished completely everything that worries, fears and frustrates us by taking His yolk. Now the gate is wide open for the fruit of the Spirit to be seen, heard and lived showing a complete God for ALL of the lost tribes of Judah to follow. God will deal with all of those who turned away from the saving blood sacrifice of Jesus, and that should scare the hell straight out of us. If you want any life to truly matter, then be bold for Jesus however he wants to use you. Realize it’s not your ability, rather it’s your availability to serve Him. Pray without ceasing, not a 24 hour head bowed, but bringing everything throughout your day to Him. The point of prayer is not to get God to help us with all of our agendas. Instead we are seeking to join Him where He is already working. When we pray “let Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, we are surrendering ourselves to pursue His will for us throughout day. As His saints, the Holy Spirit will make us receptive to souls that need saved wherever we are, not because of gender, color, background or appearance. Each new person in Christ is a celebration in Heaven taking place. They do not celebrate flawed policies or motives of the nations because even the angels know its personal and that Every soul matters. We only have a short time here in the physical and our life span is not guaranteed. We could die from things- injustice, health, natural causes or choking on a sandwich. Doesn’t really matter how you died, other than you died. So to Jesus, every death is represented by your life. Why should every death matter to us? Because when the passing happens, there are no more chances. That’s it. Done. It is finished. Those living here are left with peace or regret. Those passed either accepted the free gift of life bought by Jesus or they chose the wages of sin which is final death separated from God wallowing with the demons. Love God, Love people. He places that responsibility squarely on our shoulders. Sounds simple, but we must not squander that opportunity of eternal life for others because we colored outside the lines of the gospel or with fearful living. If we are to be called the saints of Jesus, then we must be bold for Him, who gave us the choice, and whatever it may cost us or to those we love. The gospel is not to save civilization from the wreckage it had created, but it is to save the souls from civilization.

Revelations 18-21
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life. I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book. He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.

Livin’ In The Gray

Isaiah 45:9

“Woe to the one who quarrels with his Maker– An earthenware vessel among the vessels of earth! Will the clay say to the potter, ‘What are you doing?’ Or the thing you are making say, ‘He has no hands’?

It seems simple when reading this verse, but being a Christ follower in today’s society is no easy task especially after the election fallout that we’ve just wittnessed.  My feelings and political views about gay rights or reproductive rights, as we refer to them are only that.  My feelings. The correct action for me to take on these issues is agreeing with the One who has already made His position on these subjects known without refute.

It’s not the church’s job to make us comfortable. What the church is there for however, is to help guide us and help make us holy through worship of Jesus Christ. 

Yes, it should welcome all. In fact it should not only welcome but actively seek those who are lost. It should venture into the world, find the wandering sheep, and guide them back into the fold. But what it absoutly  cannot do is welcome our sin.
It should welcome the repentant  thief, as Christ did, but it cannot welcome his thievery. 

Luke 23:39-43 says that only one of the thieves crucified next to Christ was invited into paradise. The other, who was in full rebellion, clung to his wickedness even up until the moment of death.  He was not offered an invitation to paradise. I wonder, if we were there on Calvary that day, would we have lectured Christ for not being sufficiently inclusive?

The world view says that we should welcome homosexuals… transgenders…people who are pro-abortion…and anyone else who commits one of our culture’s trendy sins. What it really wants to say is that we should welcome the acts of fornication, sodomy, self-mutilation, child murder, etc. They justify these acts as God’s design for their lives, because they were just born that way. I’m afraid it is on these points that we, as a conforming church, stumble headfirst into heresy.
The church should be bold like the father in Christ’s parable, running to greet the son who had squandered his inheritance on booze and prostitutes. The father was full of joy and eager to embrace him with love and forgivness. But notice how the father didn’t go out, find his son at the brothel, and say, Son, why don’t you come home to fornicate and get drunk? Just relax, no need to change your lifestyle at all. Just come home and do whatever you want and I won’t cramp your style. Here, take some more money.
This rebellious young man knew he had to abandon his sin, seek forgiveness, and surrender to the will of his father. He admitted all of his lewd behavior when he came home. In Luke 15:21 the son said, “I have sinned against you and against heaven. I am not worthy to be called your son.” Not once did he justify himself on his feelings and say, “I’ve had a lot of adulterous, drunken sex and I’m proud of it. In fact, I plan to get back at it tomorrow. I’m not sorry, I won’t change, and you just need to shut up and accept it, pops. By the way, I have some hookers coming over later. Please show them to my room. Thanks.” Enter the fathers eye twitch and grief here…
We can be fairly sure that if the son had approached the father with lack of respect and that speech, he would not have been welcomed home under that roof. There would have been no fattened calf slaughtered for a festive celebration. There would have been only grief and sadness, and an attempt by dad to make a pretty stern lecture. “If you live in my home, you will follow my rules,”- just like I’ve used with my kids on occasion…just as my father said to to me many times when I was a teenager…and at some point my kids will regurgitate those words without hesitation.
We cannot be real and active members of the Body of Christ if we   refuse to walk the path Christ laid out for us. We cannot be members of the church if we do not truly love Christ. We cannot love Christ if we scoff and take lightly his commandments.
John 14:15
“If you love me, keep my commandments.”

John 14:23
“Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.”
1Peter 2:21

“Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.”
Ephesians 5:1

“Be imitators of God.”

Yet in spite of these verses, we think we ought to welcome people into the church by teaching them that there isn’t any need to imitate Christ or keep His commandments? That’s not “the church” we’ve welcomed them into… It’s damnation.
Christ laid it all out on the cross, so that we may be released from the bondage and penalty of our sins. When we ask for Him to accept the very sin He shed His blood to free us from, we not only grieve the Spirit, but offend Jesus deeply. We have totally rejected His sacrifice. And when we reject His sacrifice, we reject the faith which was born from that sacrifice. There are some churches in America where it is openly taught that sin is not a big deal because God just want us to be happy and comfortable. But the truth is, God found our sins so terrible that he sent His only Son to earth, to defeat and abolish them.  When we diminish the severity of sin, or when we insist on sin being embraced as virtue, we openly indulge in the worst kind of blasphemy imaginable.
Take the 50 shades of gray out of our thinking and we are left with the black and white truth. A person cannot be a part of a theology they fundamentally reject. We can’t be inside and outside of our core beliefs at the same time. It’s impossible as much as a theological one. Those who wish to remain on the outside of the faith because they refuse to accept Christ’s authority on matters of morality, cannot then be genuinely  included in it. They have personally excluded themselves. We simply cannot accept the faith, or be accepted into the faith, if we will not accept the fact that we are guilty, in need of salvation, and make a 180° turnaround. 
People say, let’s not focus this whole conversation on homosexuality, abortion and those “kinds” of issues reguarding church. It may not be during church time,  but they bring them up and focus on them though various social media, because they think there are special exceptions that should be made for the people who self identify in those groups. But I know God is Holy and Just and He says no one gets a special exception from the repentance requirement — not liberals, not conservatives, not homosexuals, not heterosexuals, not you, and certainly not me. Again, remember who the potter is.
Snazzy headlines and news feeds point their agenda in my face and tell me that I should be guilt shamed of my stance, and they are  right to a point, just not for the reasons they think. We cannot, through their attempts, be ashamed of the times when we have accurately articulated truths about our faith in Jesus. This does not exclude us for many other reasons tho to be ashamed with what’s buried deep in our darkend hearts. I have my own struggles, my own sin, and the last thing I want is for that sin to be “accepted” by anyone. 
When I go to church, I don’t want to feel that I do not need to change, repentance is not mentioned, I don’t need to confront it. 
I’ve been around myself long enough to know better. I have compiled 40+ years worth of evidence proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am indeed a desperately weak and sinful man. Yes, my sins are different from the ones our culture supports, and no one is lobbying for my sins to be included in the faith the way they lobby for other sorts of sins, but sins are sins…ugly and awful all the same.

What I need is to be freed from these sins. I do not want to be made more comfortable in them, or perhaps on the physical level I do want to be made comfortable in them. Maybe I would like someone to pat me on the back and say, “Everything about you is wonderful and you’ll go to Heaven no matter what you do because you’re one of the good guys.” My brain will find that fantasy quite appealing. But I know that it is just that, a fantasy. A fiction. A story whispered in our ears not by Christ but by Satan.
The truth always seems to be more difficult to accept. But it also has an abundance of hope. The truth is that I am dirty, but I can be cleansed. The truth is that I am weak, but I can be strengthened. The truth is that I am corrupt, but I can be made holy through the grace of God. And the church must be there to help us in that process.

Rich Young Ruler

​Mark 10:20-22

20 And he said to Him, “Teacher, I have kept all these things from my youth up.” 21 Looking at him, Jesus felt a love for him and said to him, “One thing you lack: go and sell all you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” 22 But at these words he was saddened, and he went away grieving, for he was one who owned much property.
Oftentimes the truth isn’t what we want to hear. For some, its not recognizable when it’s been justified beyond its origin. For some,  the truth doesn’t reflect how we feel. For most of us tho, the truth doesn’t represent how we live for Jesus. We set our own agenda and make “church” work…if we have time. We keep searching for inward peace and meaning in the very same places that we lost it. So we go back to our frustration and we compensate ourselves through idols for an anticdotal fix and become deeper entangled in our sin.

Jesus told the rich young ruler the one thing he did not want to hear. It was however, one of the kindest things Jesus could have done for him. Unfortunately he couldn’t or wouldn’t let go of his wealth and he went away sorrowful. Jesus doesn’t  see it as His job to satisfy people and justify their guilt. He wants to give them living water to transform their lives! Unfortunately people don’t want to acknowledge or give up their sin. Instead they want acceptance of it so their guilt will go away. Even if it’s just for a brief moment.

Yes, Jesus came to satisfy the need in people, but not the short term fix that we want. He knows it will never truly give us the peace we need or what we were created to desire.

Fruitful Arrogance

Proverbs 28:13
He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, But he who confesses and forsakes them will find compassion.

Being self employed for many years has has it’s rewards along with a few pit falls. I had been cruising right along in life with a business partner and achieved success in our own little world of construction. After seven plus years, we seemed to be on very different paths both professionally and personally than when we started. Being just one degree off from each other in the beginning became a huge valley between us at the end of our venture. God had been leading and building me for sometime to the day I walked away from a prosperous business. I just had no idea what that was. Nothing made sense other than I needed out for both our sakes. As we closed out jobs and downsized, we were making preparations for the split. We had decided at the beginning that if this should ever happen, we would just split up half of the business and he would keep his original half and we would be on our merry way. Being ignorant about cooperation’s in the beginning turned out to be disastrous. Lawyers and accountants told us that we couldn’t split the way we had always planned. In order to keep my tools,trailers and new truck that was about paid off, I would have to buy it all back from the business. My life seemed to be upside down. It drove me to the point of hitting my knees and asking God to intervene. I wanted the remaining time He’s giving me on this planet to be for Him, in His way, no matter what. Oh man…that’s when He started to root the ugly out of my life, to be the man He wanted me to be. I know we all have certain vices in life, but what He exposed in me wasn’t even on my radar as something I thought I struggled with. I saw first hand what pride will do. In a few short weeks I was consumed by things that I thought life owed me. How unfair the situation was. My friendship with my business partner took a rather big hit as well. I had to render ALL things to Jesus to move on. Literally. My stuff, my time, my finances, my family and my relationships. Being pruned like that enabled me to grow spiritually beyond what I thought possible. He has coordinated my life in all areas to show His glory to those I know and meet. I have a hard time explaining it to people, but He has been faithful beyond what I deserve.  I’ve been reminded about the tent making philosophy that the apostle Paul used to helped me re-identify who I am in Christ…with a new purpose on life. Only God could orchestrate my chaotic mess to be a new testimony for Him almost every week. 

So now I will pass on my thoughts and observations to those who feel it’s time for a change. Give Jesus an honest chance to fully take controll of your life. You will not regret it for one second. Don’t make him your co-piolet, put Him in the drivers seat!

Pride is an issue for us all, no exceptions:
-Sins vs. fruits-

Reflect a bit on these thoughts and where you’re at in life. 

What version of me do friends see?

What version of me do family see?

What version of me do strangers see?

What version of me stares back in a mirror?

But most of all…

What version of me does God desire?

Pruning us…What does that mean? Is it a feel good, or is it exposing our weak/bad fruit experience?
Jesus tells us that when we know Him, we are to be fruitful people. In verse 2 of John 15, Jesus tells us that God cuts off every branch that does not bear fruit. In other words, if you’re a believer, you’re supposed to be bearing good fruit…right?
What can we understand about Him pruning us?
It could be painful. Kicking a habit, sacrificing something, or dealing with hidden sins, God will prune stuff out of our lives that does not belong. And it might not be pretty. 

Here’s some good news

It’s productive. It simplifies our lives… which is a very good thing! I believe God takes us down to our very core and then says, ok, that’s the starting point. Just like a tree, what grows back is even stronger than what was there before.

Psalm 1:3
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.

Let’s not miss the big promise in John 15:11: “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”

I think we’d all be surprised to see the abundance of life that Jesus desires for all of us. The Bible shows us that He wants to see all our lives connected to the vine and in that vine is our power, our strength, and our fulfillment. So now…

Do we ask “What would Jesus do?” or rather, “What would Jesus WANT us to do?”

If we are to be Christ like and Christ asked Peter (Matthew 16:13-20) “Who do you say that I am?” Then we have to ask Christ himself the very same thing. Who do you say “I” am? What answers would be revealed you?  Is it what you think you would hear? Or would you be faced with with a harsh reality (blindsided in my case) that we keep things buried really well to even ourselves?

1 John 1:6
6 If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.

There is one truthful answer and will always be one truthful answer. 
Jesus Christ.

If you do not live for Jesus, then for pride. 

Jesus serves- Pride takes

Jesus gives- Pride feels entitled

Jesus loves- Pride makes sure your ok first and foremost

Jesus gives mercy- Pride gives intolerance

Jesus gives rest- Pride will exhaust you

Jesus showed humblness- Pride lets us hide behind it so we won’t look vulnerable.

Christ paid it all- Pride says that there is more that we need.

At the end of the day, did we choose the path that Christ prompted in us, even when he tells us “no”, or did we gloss over to the path where we can bargain, justify and feel safe in our own skin…

1 Corinthians 6:19-20
19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, 20 for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

Prayerfully have that conversation with God. What do you have to lose? Let Him reveal His spirit and desire to love on you the only way He knows how.







lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

The church in today’s culture has earned the right in many ways to be disliked or not a priority due to a sense of apathy within, but Jesus is still crazy about her. And saying to Jesus, “I hate going to church” is like telling my wife that she is fat and ugly. I might be “right” according to my very “wrong” standards of beauty and vanity. But I am obviously terribly wrong –

I don’t enjoy going to church all the time, I’m human…and a lazy one at that. There are times I see how much my life isn’t put together – like everyone else’s is or they are pretending it is. I’m a sinner in need of Jesus. That is not debated. I have heard people say they feel church is basically about surface serving, not getting too deep. I think there are two sides to this coin… people are extremely harsh on churches, and churches are extremely harsh on their people. It reminds me of the walk between holiness and being a pharisee. One does not have to become a pharisee (the law only) to pursue holiness. It seems it comes down to judging others and or how we might be able to relate with them. Do we put stock in the church’s future with programs or do we pursue life changing ministry?

The body of Christ needs consistency in order to hold people together. People who chase after experiences don’t stick around… Churches who can’t commit and be involved as a body is a reason why people leave — no one is committed to them so why commit back? We treat our service to others like going to church – go and do to get that checked off the list for the week. It’s not real. We are quick to welcome people, but not get involved.

Philippians 2:3–4

3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Jesus commands us to love each other with sincere love. For some love may be a feeling and for some love may be a choice. How do we make ourselves love sincerely? I believe that comes from enthusiastically loving God and letting him love on you back.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-28

16 Be joyful always; 17 pray continually; 18 give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 19 Do not put out the Spirit’s fire; 20 do not treat prophecies with contempt. 21 Test everything. Hold on to the good. 22 Avoid every kind of evil. 23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it. 25 Brothers, pray for us. 26 Greet all the brothers with a holy kiss. 27 I charge you before the Lord to have this letter read to all the brothers. 28 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Apathetic or sincere love lies with the person, however, I don’t believe pastors and teachers should shy away from preaching on it. The problem is not that they aren’t passionate enough when preaching on the subject, the problem is that we can be so apathetic in today’s way of life when it is preached on, we know it applies to us, but we just don’t care, nor do we care to do anything about it. We have heard it over and over again, and our ears have become numb to the voice of truth. The hard part is making a bunch of people care about things they truly don’t think they need to care about. Volunteers for children or other ministries should be overwhelming in a good way, NOT in a bad way. But the answer is really quite simple and has always been simple. Majority of God’s people have made a decision for Jesus, but few have made a true commitment to Him. The two should automatically go hand in hand. If people truly made a decision for Jesus then they would be about His work. Unfortunately there are many lukewarm Christians in the church who ride the fence. They will justify their lukewarmness by saying that they are saved forever because they believe in God. End of story, no more is required. And they truly believe it because they are fed a one sided message. We preach a lot on God’s love and grace, but not so much on His mercy. Without God’s mercy, His love and grace are all for not. Apathy is the biggest enemy of mercy. Without mercy we wouldn’t be able to love others with conviction, forgive because we have obedience to Jesus, and the bottom line – to truly mean it. We just do nothing. Not our problem. Don’t care.
Our “church body” (not just pastors) is responsible to minister the truth even when it hurts, pray always, encourage others to be active for Christ and give them opportunities to do so. How awesome would it be if our churches could break out of the box and do things that are not normally done on a Sunday? Let’s say we would stop a routine service one day and use that time to pray as a congregation? How about during a life group bible study we go out and witness (as all of us are called to do so). Rallying around certain ministries with great support even though we may not be comfortable in that area. This encouraging activeness teaches them how to be active and not just partake in being fed the spiritual milk or hearing the cattle call for a short term need. We cannot allow Satan to stop the church out of fear of embarrassment or complacency for the needs of God’s Kingdom. As the saying goes, “If the devil can’t make you bad, he’ll make you busy”…take some time and think about that statement. Does that represent anywhere in your life? None of the disciples were embarrassed or complacent about following Jesus and neither should we. As we grow in spirit, we will be much more aware of the spiritual battle that’s raging every day, hour and minute that passes. These are the things that are necessary to start on the path from being just a church to the congregation to being a church after God’s own heart. When churches click for Jesus, individuals are changed. Families are changed. Communities are changed. But most of all, His kingdom is fulfilled.

Mark 1:14-18

14 After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. 15 “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”
16 As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 17 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” 18 At once they left their nets and followed him.

A name above all names

I’ve been reading and hearing a lot about the authenticity of Jesus Christ on the web, facebook, and other media.  Was he just a man, a myth, a legend, or who he claimed to be?  Just the name Jesus itself has much competition in this present day, that even among Christians he takes a back seat to our agendas.  I open my mind to earthly thoughts and ask myself “who and what could I or others commit themselves to beyond a shadow of doubt to live out, love and sacrifice everything for?  I thought maybe “family” would fit that criteria.  But then I think of the increasing number of abortions, broken marriages, abuse, and disengaged parents.  That is not a system worth believing on it’s own to surrender my belief in.  Is it friendships, money, science and theory ?  Is it a religion based on prophets or people who lived good lives but certainly not sinless lives? Are will willing to bet it ALL on their words and life?  Nope…

At some point one has to consider a possibility that there is a higher power out there to disprove it…something higher than our control. And if you come to the conclusion that it’s a possibility, then there must be a purpose for us.  And if we have purpose, then we would need to connect or communicate with that creator.  And if that creator wanted to help us, he would need a manual and or someone to teach it on our level of comprehension throughout the ages regardless of times, technology, or circumstance with such relevance that it is applicable to meet everyone’s needs to a deep personal level.

If it was not of God himself, then who could be born in a crude time of history and in such a humble way as not to scare people into loving him, grow up in an ordinary manner so that he did not have a fan club, and then begin to teach people in ways never seen before with such impact in a very small amount of time?  Consider this man named Jesus of Nazareth who did that very thing with his ministry travels within the boundary’s of Israel. Here’s a little perspective on this thought.

Who through centuries has been so famous with just a couple of years and and traveled in such a small area to minister that anyone would remember?  Could we elect a president or a top notch celebrity with their campaign or film limited to a fraction of the country?  If it was not of God, then how did Jesus have any influence at all when he didn’t have any media, audio recordings, selfies, or any kind of rank in public office?  This man called Jesus was loved, despised, then crucified like many others under Roman authority.  With my earthly eyes, I try to see and understand why the name Jesus has been such a driving force over the centuries to where people will surrender to it. Preach it. Love it. In some cases, give their life willingly to it. Human nature is to abandon anything or anyone who has been put on a pedestal and worshiped when we’ve found scandal involved with them.  Jesus was marred and convicted by scandal among the pharisee leaders and soon the following crowd.  So again, why Jesus if he was just a man?  If he was creating and building himself up to be a legend, then what purpose was left behind for his disciples to carry on the banner when their eyes saw him die publicly as a criminal on a cross in humility?  If I were in the shoes of his disciples with my physical glasses on, would I have thought “well, Jesus and I did a lot of good for people, but now he’s dead and the cause with him…what a waste of a good man”.  I can only comprehend what my scenes tell me, and that I surly would not have gone on to preach after Jesus death  knowing full well that I would suffer the same fate.  Your mind starts to reason with you for its own survival. It becomes about me, myself and I when your life is on the line.  You can be who you want when the rewards greatly out weight the risk.  What If you were Peter and abandoned your profession to just follow someone?  Then you become a someone by association when Jesus is teaching and performing miracles. Reward over risk. Where does that leave you when you no longer follow this person due to being called a fraud and sentenced to death?  Would you deny this person three times and still continue to preach a message in this persons name that is hated by the world?  This is the end of the story for those only willing to look at life through their lens crafter glasses.  But for those who seek with their spiritual eyes, it is only the beginning.  Peter and the other apostles knew the true God nature of Jesus Christ because they witnessed the power within him. The power of the resurrection, the power of the Holy Spirit to enable them in their future ministry, and the power for eternal life.  That power is what made Jesus the man say who he is.

  (Matthew 16:13-17)

Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?”  They replied that some say John the Baptist, or Elijah, or Jeremiah or one of the prophets. Then he asked “Who do you say I am?” Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus said, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven”.

If you are still struggling with letting go and accepting Jesus Christ for who he truly is, take some time and open God’s word and ask for His spirit to direct you.  Many people say they have a handle on life and believe in a god, but don’t accept the notion of a savior.  As you start to understand who God is you will find the real need for a savior in Jesus Christ.  Jesus is a name above All names ever recorded with out coincidence. His name gives mercy.  His name gives grace.  His name gives love.  His name gives purpose. But most of all, His name gives eternal life!  We are all granted eternal life either way, but it is where we choose to spend it that makes all the difference…here on earth… right now… this very minute. When we die, it is out of our hands…forever.

 John 14:6                                                                                                                                                                         Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

This is a quote to ponder on from C.S. Lewis that I could not have said any better.

“I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him, ‘I am ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept his claim to be God.’ That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic – on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg – or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was and is the Son of God; or else a madman or something worse.”

-C.S. Lewis

Struck By Love

In Luke 6:38, Jesus said “Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.

Have you ever received an electrical shock?  Bear with me…this really does go somewhere.  🙂  I have gotten shocked a few times in the past.  I’ve never been struck by lightning, but I imagine that it feels similar to a “regular” household electrical shock on steroids then amplified & magnified – due to its source.  Most people get knocked off their feet when it happens.

I know what love feels like when my wife or family does something for me.  The feeling is more powerful than the “regular” feelings I experience through other stuff in this world that simply makes me happy.  When my wife or family love me the feeling is more powerful because it comes from them.

But let me tell you from recent experience, when God uses me to show His love for someone else, His love passing through me to the intended recipient overwhelms me with such intensity that I know it comes from Him.  Sometimes I’m knocked off my feet (to my knees).  I am usually brought to tears because the love I feel passing through me is so much more intense than anything else I feel that originates from this world or anyone in it.

So back to Luke 6:38 – I think you could argue that “giving” in that context could apply to giving of things other than money or things which we can assign a monetary value.  I firmly believe that when I “give” God’s love – when I let it flow through me & don’t keep it just to myself – I experience God’s love pressed down, shaken together, running over, and poured into my heart!  It’s so much more powerful because it originates from Him.  Close friends have shared similar testimonials with me too.  How awesome is the God we serve in love!

photo credit:

Google or God?

Some say that we are living in the greatest time ever.  You can have just about anything at the snap of your fingers. We have texting that has replaced conversation,  Netflix to satisfy our binge watching, and Google to find the answers to everything!  As l stand back and look at life, I’m seeing reclusive youth,  disengaged parents,  and shallow answers that have replaced true wisdom.  When I sit in church,  Youth and even adults seem to be having ADHD moments as they squirm and check there phones longing for visual entertainment. 
How does God compete with all of our distractions?  If God had his own Web address or phone number then we could email or text Him our prayers right?  That would satisfy an all powerful God right? 
We are living in challenging times to be a true follower of God.  But then again all generations have had their share of distractions.  We may wander through this life in awe of all of the conveniences technology has to offer,  but it leaves our relationship with our creator stuffed in a box with our old 8 track tapes. One cannot simply Google a relationship with Jesus Christ,  print out His will for our life and store His love and blessings in the cloud. 
1 Samuel 8 is similar to this as God’s people were ready to forget all that God had done for them for what they thought would be best for them.  Samuel warns them about all the traps and pitfalls that would happen to them once God was replaced by human interest. When the choice was made, God said that the people did not reject Samuel rather it was a rejection to God.
And should the people cry out for  relief of the things that rule over them God would not answer them on that day.
If you are doubting God’s love for you or you feel He’s a million miles away,  there’s good news for you.  His love for you is great and He has NEVER left you!
He desires you and wants you for His very own.

John 3:16

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

We are in this world,  but we do not have to be of this world.  Technology can be a good thing as long as we don’t place its value over what God wants us to learn.  If it rules you,  it’s your god… plain and simple.
Delayed gratification, relationship with Him & his people and true wisdom are of the Spirit and “should” be our desire. Not what the flesh wants.

Galatians 5:17

17 For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.

We need to get into the habit of binge bible reading and prayer,  and you’ll soon find that sleeping Spirit to awake and have a “life” created just for you.


God is good all the time.

I have a hard time doing more than 1 or 2 things simultaneously.  So I’m always amazed (but not surprised) when I hear about or think about the way that God is at work in the lives of different people at the same time.  It’s just incredible to think about how much God loves each of us so much that:

  • He is with the family at the grave side of their loved one.
  • He is with the parents at the birth of their first child.
  • He is with the widow as she reflects upon memories that are from so long ago, she’s afraid she’ll soon forget completely.
  • He is with the newlyweds celebrating with family & friends.
  • He is with the teen who has worked up enough courage to enter rehab.
  • He is with the inmate who spoke the Truth to that teen, who encourages others to read & share the Gospel.

My point is fairly obvious…on any given day, someone is experiencing the best day of their life at the same time someone else is experiencing the worst day of their life.  At the end of that day, if each person knows God & trusts in His word/His truth, they know that God is good – all. the. time.

Psalm 36:7
How precious is your unfailing love, O God!  All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings.

What’s In Your Wallet?

Does that remind you of your favorite commercial featuring a viking?  My wallet is usually the first thought to cross my mind when someone talks about “giving.”  The world is fascinated with money.  It’s easy to throw some money at a “cause” and go on with your day.  It’s even easier to display an empty wallet & excuse yourself by saying “Gee I’d love to help, but look…”

But what do you do when your wallet is empty?  Is your “giving pool” that shallow that there is no where else to look?  Are your only resources those which are a product of this world: money, possessions, etc.?  The next time you write off your obligation to “give” because you have nothing in your wallet, stop looking around you & start looking within you.

Romans 12:1 says “And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. 2 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”  (NLT)

Even on your worst day, the creative masterpiece of you – made in the image of God – is a far greater offering than any worldly possession.

What’s in your wallet heart?